The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis - Elaine Morgan
Why do humans differ from other primates? What do those differences tell us about human evolution? Elaine Morgan gives a revolutionary hypothesis that explains our anatomic anomalies--why we walkA Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars - Q. David Bowers Americans love to collect the big Morgan silver dollar! No other coin conjures up so much of the romance and history of the United States. In this third edition of his bestselling book, noted numismat
2-at-a-Time Socks: Revealed Inside. . . The Secret of Knitting Two at Once on One Circular Needle; Works for any Sock Pattern! - Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Knitting one sock is fun and rewarding, but finishing its partner can become a chore that leaves well-intentioned knitters suffering from “second sock syndrome.” With this two-at-a-tiMaya 7 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide - , Morgan Robinson Adding tools that allow users to realize the 2D Toon look of comic books, cartoons, manga and anime; create spectacular clothing, fur or long hair for characters; and move data quickly back and fort
Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals - Tony Morgan
Information systems often fail because their requirements are poorly defined. This book shows IT professionals how to specify more precisely and more effectively what their systems need to do. The
Speech Communities - Marcyliena Morgan What makes a speech community? How do they evolve? How are speech communities identified? Speech communities are central to our understanding of how language and interactions occur in societies around
Finite Elements and Approximation - , K. Morgan
This book offers students of engineering and physics a comprehensive view of the principles involved in the finite element, with numerous illustrative examples and exercises. 1983 edition.Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide - Frank Morgan Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner's Guide provides information pertinent to the development of geometric measure theory. This book presents a few fundamental arguments and a superficial discussion